Multi-Sport or na???
Rapsodo Data in "Arkansas" Terms
My playing career in baseball. A little bad advice, a lot of poor decisions, with a happy ending.
Does your athlete need Speed and Agility training?
Why we use “Run and Gun” throws and 1RM’s in the weight room.
EAP’s “Redneck Bio-Mechanics Lab”
In-Season training for Volleyball athletes
“But can they do it on the mound??” How we transfer running throw performance to the mound.
“I already lift at school.”
My top 5 best moves as a private facility owner.
My top 5 biggest screw ups as a coach and private facility owner.
Why I chilled out with my strict stance against year-around throwing.
Why do we throw overweight and underweight baseballs?
Why your kid is always hurt (or telling you something hurts)
Do pitchers at EAP Bench Press?
5 simple things your Volleyball player can do everyday to get better
ASMI Weighted Baseball Study: Well intentioned, yet unfortunately useless.
13 Things I want to tell every student athlete.
Mental Approach To Sport