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*In 2023 we wore Wow Factor Uniforms.

EAP 18u Frequently Asked Questions

The following was written by the founder/owner of

Elite Athletic Performance LLC, Michael Richards.

Michael is also the Head Coach of EAP's Select baseball team 

"EAP 18u College Prep"



"What is EAP?"

Elite Athletic Performance LLC is my company I started (on paper) in 2011. But I had been training human beings for long before that.

If you want to read more on our training program, 

Click here

From the stand point of our team, I run

"EAP 18u College Prep" very similarly to a college program.

We play a summer season of showcase tournaments, typically 5 weekends straight beginning the last weekend of May.

My goal is to finish before July to give a longer training period before fall and allow the seniors time with family before leaving for college. 

We also play a fall season against in-state colleges such as the Junior Colleges and the freshman teams at a few Division 2 schools.

Click here to read about our fall team


We spend our offseason's training to be stronger, more powerful, and more explosive than last year.


I am always doing my best to develop the talent that I have in-house as well as looking to identify players that can help us be more successful.


You say you want to play college baseball right?


THAT is exactly how college baseball works.



"What makes this team different? Why would I want to play for EAP ?"

1. Because I believe high school kids are often beat down with negativity and talk of "Mechanics" that are not usable. I believe they desperately need to be taught about hitting approach, positive mental reinforcement, how to have a sucky day at the field and know its not the proverbial end of world.
I guess I can sum all this up by saying I just want to be different.
2. Because I believe it's the purest form of private-sector baseball at the high school level you will find.
I am not influenced by where a player is already committed, or who's dad's business bought the new scoreboard.
We spend money on one form of advertising for EAP, and its this team.
My decisions are only influenced by the team's success.
You have to produce to play for this team.


3. Because I don’t believe traveling to far away lands for games is necessary.


Why do I believe that?


The answer is two-fold.


A. The Uncommitted Player

The VAST majority of HS kids in the state of Arkansas that end up playing college baseball will go to a school in this state, or a surrounding state. 

I have relationships with every college in the state and most colleges in surrounding states. If you play well for me, I'm going to call them and tell them about it. 

If you long for the flare of traveling to Atlanta, Memphis, Florida and Hoover,Al all in one summer I wish you well and the best of luck. But if it feels like too much, EAP may be a better option for you.


B. The Committed Player

The competition level we see game-to-game in the summer is surprisingly high. There are basically 3 types of teams we end up playing. I loosely rank teams we play in 3 categories.


2= A Good Baseball Team

1= Not Good


During our Summer 2024 season, in my opinion, in our 23 games, we played 

Six - "3's"

Fourteen - "2's"

Three - "1's"


My point is,

I believe you can get quality reps with us without racking up thousands of dollars in travel expense in the summer.​​​​​



"Is there a tryout for this team?"


Your spring High School seasons are most important.

 Your summer showcase season and Fall, assuming you play with us in the fall, can factor as well.

But production in your spring HS season is king. 


I use a criteria based on the statistics you produce.

(Ya know, like a college coach)

 If you produce at a certain level for your HS team you will likely be invited to play for us.

If not, probably not.


Is that harsh?


Is it EXACTLY how college recruiting works?



There are two exceptions that need to be stated.


 - There will be occasional players I know from personal experience. I know they can play at a high level but are not being utilized in high school.


- If I am on the fence about a player that is local (Within 30 miles of EAP), the amount of time he spends at EAP working hard trying to make himself better will factor into my decision as to whether or not he will be on the roster.


"What is the statistical criteria?"


I prefer to keep the exact formula to myself so I'll just put it this way, I pay the most attention to the following statistics.


- Plate Appearances


- Doubles

- Home Runs



- Innings Pitched

- Base on Balls (Walks)

- Strike Outs


I don't look at fielding percentages.

There is an old saying that I stick with



"If I play with you in the fall does that mean I will play for you in the summer?"


For some, the fall is part of the tryout.

Production in your HS season is the most important.


"Where does this team play in the summer?"

Typically Fayetteville, AR, Central Arkansas, and Memphis.

We very seldom go farther than a 3 hour drive from Central Arkansas.


"Where does this team play in the fall?"

We typically scrimmage the following programs. It grows every year it seems.

Click here to read more about Fall

- ASU Mt. Home

- ASU Three Rivers

- ASU Mid South

- SAU Tech

- UA Rich Mt

- University of Arkansas- Monticello

- Henderson State University


"What is Wow Factor-Arkansas?"​​

EAP serves as the Arkansas "Hub" for a national organization named Wow Factor.

Our youth teams fall under the Wow Factor-Arkansas "umbrella".


For more info on our options for

youth travel baseball click



Interested in playing for EAP 18u?

Click here.
















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